TMJ Dysfunction Hammond & Mandeville, La

TMJ Dysfunction

Addressing Jaw Pain?

Struggling with jaw pain during everyday activities like eating, talking, or yawning? You’re not alone. Millions of Americans deal with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, which cause discomfort and can disrupt daily life. If you’re in Hammond and Mandeville, LA and suffering from TMJ symptoms, Anatomix Physical Therapy‘s physical therapy services could be your solution to finding relief.


TMJ dysfunction involves problems with the joint that connects your jaw to your skull, which can make simple activities challenging and painful. This condition tends to affect adults between 20 and 40 years old and is more common in women than men. Symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe pain that persists and worsens without treatment.

The causes of TMJ disorders include a variety of factors such as genetics, arthritis, jaw injury, or even habits like clenching your teeth. Common symptoms include pain in the jaw, difficulty opening or closing your mouth, earaches, and headaches, which can significantly affect your ability to enjoy life.

At Anatomix Physical Therapy, our physical therapists specialize in treatments that alleviate pain, enhance jaw movement, and prevent future issues. We focus on exercises that improve muscle coordination and adjust lifestyle factors to help manage your TMJ symptoms effectively.

We go beyond just treating your symptoms. At Anatomix Physical Therapy, we’re committed to providing you with the education and tools needed to maintain optimal jaw health and manage TMJ pain long-term.

Don’t let jaw pain limit your life. Reach out to us in Hammond and Mandeville, LA to schedule your initial consultation today!

Understanding TMJ Dysfunction:

Experiencing persistent jaw pain can indicate a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. This condition impacts the joint connecting your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull, essential for daily functions like talking and eating.

TMJ dysfunction can arise from various issues:

  • Arthritis: Types like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can affect the TMJ, leading to pain and functional impairment.
  • Jaw Trauma: Injuries from impacts or accidents can cause immediate or delayed TMJ problems.
  • Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): This habit can place excessive stress on the joint, leading to TMJ disorders over time.

Additionally, poor posture or chronic neck strain may also contribute to TMJ dysfunction by altering the muscle dynamics around the jaw.

Our physical therapists in Hammond and Mandeville, LA are equipped to tailor treatments to your specific needs, helping you achieve pain relief and improved jaw function.

Schedule your visit today to get started on your treatment plan!

What to Expect from TMJ Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA

When you visit Anatomix Physical Therapy for TMJ therapy, our physical therapists begin with a thorough evaluation tailored to your unique health needs. We explore your medical history and perform specialized tests to understand your condition deeply. This comprehensive assessment helps us craft a precise treatment plan.

Our TMJ therapy includes:

Manual Therapy

Techniques such as joint mobilizations and soft tissue massage to reduce pain, enhance mobility, and decrease muscle tension.

Therapeutic Exercises

We design exercises to strengthen the muscles around your jaw and increase flexibility.

Patient Education

Teaching you about TMJ management, including posture improvements and jaw exercises, to help you manage symptoms effectively at home.

Stress Management Techniques

Since stress can exacerbate TMJ symptoms by leading to teeth grinding and jaw clenching, we offer strategies to help manage stress effectively.

Our goal at Anatomix Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA is to not only alleviate your symptoms but also improve your overall quality of life through comprehensive physical therapy. We ensure that each treatment plan is personalized to reflect your specific needs and health goals.

Ready to tackle your TMJ symptoms and regain comfort? Contact us in Hammond and Mandeville, LA to book your detailed assessment and start on the path to recovery!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!