Sports Injuries Rehab Hammond & Mandeville, La

Sports Injuries

Get Back in the Game with Anatomix Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA

Are sports injuries keeping you from the activities you love? At Anatomix Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA, we’re dedicated to helping athletes and active individuals recover quickly and safely using proven physical therapy methods. Whether it’s a minor injury or a more severe condition, our team is here to support your journey back to peak performance.

Sports injuries can vary widely, from simple sprains and muscle strains to more complex issues like ACL tears and concussions. These injuries can limit your mobility and have a significant impact on your mental health and overall well-being.

According to statistics from the National Safety Council, sports-related injuries like sprains and fractures are incredibly common, particularly among children and young adults. Even more concerning is that these injuries can often lead to long-term health issues if not properly addressed.

Our approach at Anatomix Physical Therapy focuses on strengthening, flexibility, and pain reduction to not only address current injuries but also to prevent future ones. Our physical therapists tailor each treatment plan to the specific needs and goals of our patients, ensuring a recovery that’s not just about getting back to the game, but improving overall performance.

Don’t let an injury keep you sidelined. Contact Anatomix Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA today to start your recovery!


Understanding Sports Injuries and Their Causes

Sports injuries, while common, can be a significant setback for anyone from weekend warriors to professional athletes. At Anatomix Physical Therapy, we understand that knowing the common causes of these injuries can help in both treatment and prevention. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in managing and overcoming these injuries, helping individuals regain their strength and mobility.

Here are some of the most frequent sports injuries we see in Hammond and Mandeville, LA:

  • Sprains and Strains: These are the most common injuries, occurring when ligaments (sprains) or muscles and tendons (strains) are overstretched or torn. They often happen during activities that involve quick turns and stops, jumps, or accidental falls.
  • Fractures: Bone fractures are typically caused by a one-time injury to the bone (acute fracture) and are common in contact sports.
  • Dislocations: This type of injury happens when force pushes the bones in a joint out of alignment. Dislocations are particularly common in contact sports.
  • ACL Injuries: These injuries involve tearing of the anterior cruciate ligament and are common in sports that require sudden changes in direction.
  • Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow: Known medically as epicondylitis, this overuse injury affects the tendons in the elbow and is common among athletes who engage in gripping activities.
  • Concussions: A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. Effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance, and coordination.

By focusing on a comprehensive approach to treatment and prevention, our physical therapists help athletes understand their injuries and the steps they can take to recover fully and safely.

Effective Sports Injury Treatment at Anatomix Physical Therapy

At Anatomix Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA, our experienced physical therapists are committed to helping you overcome sports injuries with comprehensive, customized care plans. We start with a detailed evaluation to understand the full extent of your injury. This includes reviewing your medical history and conducting physical tests to assess your strength, flexibility, and range of motion.

Manual Therapy
Therapeutic Exercises

Custom exercises designed to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance overall stability to not only recover from injuries but also prevent new ones.

Functional Training

We focus on movements and activities specific to your sport to ensure you can return to play safely and effectively.


Teaching patients about injury prevention and management strategies to maintain their health and prevent future injuries.

Our goal is to not just treat the injury but to enhance your overall physical capabilities to return to sports better and stronger than before.

If you’re ready to start your path back to your favorite sports, call Anatomix Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA to schedule your appointment. Let’s get you back to doing what you love, safely and effectively!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!