
Ankle Pain


Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA Offers Effective Ankle Pain Relief

Do you find that ankle pain interferes with your everyday activities or stops you from engaging in hobbies you love? Ankle discomfort is a common challenge many people face. Fortunately, at Anatomix Physical Therapy, our skilled physical therapists help you overcome this pain and regain your active lifestyle.

Research indicates that around 20% of people experience ankle pain or instability, a number that increases with age. These issues often start from sprains, fractures, arthritis, or nerve compression. Without treatment, ankle pain may restrict movement and impact physical activities, potentially leading to broader health issues.

At Anatomix Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA, our dedicated team of physical therapists offers a safe, effective solution for ankle pain relief. Through a personalized recovery plan tailored to your needs, we’ll help you walk away from ankle pain.

Don’t allow ankle discomfort to limit your lifestyle any longer. Contact our clinic today to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step toward recovery!

Common Causes of Ankle Pain

Dealing with ankle pain can turn even simple tasks into daunting challenges. This pain often stems from various injuries or conditions that affect the ankle’s complex structure, including bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Ankle Sprains and Strains

These common injuries occur when the ankle is twisted or rolled, stretching or tearing the ligaments (sprains) and affecting muscles and tendons (strains). Symptoms typically include pain, swelling, and restricted movement.

Ankle Fractures

A break in one or more ankle bones, often resulting from high-impact activities, falls, or direct trauma. Symptoms include severe pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the ankle or walking.


Degeneration of joint cartilage in the ankle leads to pain, stiffness, and swelling. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid Arthritis, and post-traumatic arthritis are common variants that affect the ankle.


This condition involves inflammation or irritation of the tendons around the ankle, usually due to overuse or injury, leading to pain and tenderness, particularly in the posterior tibial tendon.

Consulting with our physical therapists in Hammond and Mandeville, LA is crucial for proper diagnosis and crafting an effective treatment strategy.

Anatomix Physical Therapy Can Help You Achieve Ankle Pain Relief

Our therapy treatments in Hammond and Mandeville, LA are specially designed to alleviate discomfort, enhance mobility, and restore your ability to live actively and without pain. Our physical therapists begin with a detailed assessment to fully understand the nuances of your condition. This includes an extensive review of your medical history, lifestyle, and any underlying health issues that might affect your ankle health.

Following this, our therapists perform a physical examination to detect any tenderness, swelling, or abnormalities in the structure of your ankle. We also assess your ankle’s range of motion and strength to pinpoint weaknesses and movement restrictions.

At Anatomix Physical Therapy, we employ a variety of treatments to manage ankle pain effectively:

  • Therapeutic Exercises: Targeted exercises to enhance mobility, increase strength, and restore function through ankle stretches, strength training, and balance activities.
  • Manual Therapy: Our therapists use hands-on techniques to reduce pain, improve circulation, and enhance mobility, including joint mobilization and soft tissue massage.
  • Bracing or Taping: Depending on the severity of your injury, bracing or taping may provide external support, reduce stress on the injured tissues, and promote healing.
  • Proprioceptive Training: This therapy focuses on improving proprioception, which is crucial for maintaining balance and coordinating movements, essential for daily activities.

By leveraging these scientifically validated techniques, our expert therapists help reduce your ankle pain, increase your range of motion, and enhance your overall functionality.

Choose Anatomix Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA today for innovative therapies that empower you toward a healthier, more active future!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!