Hip Pain Relief and Knee Pain Relief Hammond & Mandeville, LA

Hip Pain

Achieve Freedom from Hip Pain with Anatomix Physical Therapy

Hip pain affects millions, including about 7% of the U.S. adult population, and becomes increasingly prevalent with age. At Anatomix Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA, we’re dedicated to guiding you back to a life without pain.

Our experienced physical therapists focus on alleviating your pain and boosting your mobility. We design personalized treatment plans and preventative education to provide comprehensive care.

You don’t have to live with hip pain. Our team is ready to help you every step on your path to recovery. Reach out to us now to start your journey toward a pain-free life!


Understanding the Common Causes of Hip Pain

Experiencing hip pain can be debilitating, affecting countless individuals worldwide each year. Various factors can lead to hip discomfort, from age-related wear to sports injuries and specific health conditions. Identifying these causes is essential for determining the most effective treatment to relieve pain and restore function.

  • Arthritis: A leading cause of hip pain, arthritis involves the breakdown of cartilage in the hip joint, resulting in pain and stiffness. Osteoarthritis is common with age, while rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease.
  • Bursitis: This condition is caused by inflammation of the bursae, which are small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the hip joints and tendons. It often results from repetitive activities or injuries.
  • Tendinopathy: Including both tendonitis (inflammation from acute injuries) and tendinosis (chronic tendon degradation from overuse), this condition causes pain and limits mobility, often seen in active individuals.
  • Labral Tear: Tears in the cartilage surrounding the hip socket can cause sharp pain and instability.
  • Hip Fractures: These fractures often occur in older adults due to osteoporosis, and they cause severe pain and mobility issues following falls or impacts.
  • Hip Impingement: This involves abnormal friction in the hip joint, leading to pain and restricted movement.

By pinpointing the root cause of hip pain, our therapists at Anatomix Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA can develop a customized treatment plan to address your specific needs.

Don’t wait to get help; schedule an appointment today and take the first step toward effective pain relief.

Expert Hip Pain Management at Anatomix Physical Therapy

We prioritize your wellness and pain relief at Anatomix Physical Therapy in Hammond and Mandeville, LA. Our team starts with a detailed evaluation, taking into account your complete medical history to craft a targeted treatment approach.

This thorough assessment includes direct physical examinations to identify abnormalities causing your hip pain. We also evaluate your joint mobility and muscle strength to understand your physical condition fully.

Our comprehensive evaluations include functional tests that simulate daily activities to give us a clear picture of how your hip pain affects your life. This information is crucial for tailoring a treatment plan that meets your needs.

For hip pain management, we utilize a variety of specialized treatments:

Our therapists use their hands to manipulate and massage affected areas to reduce pain and enhance joint movement.

Therapeutic Exercises

Custom exercises are designed to build strength, increase flexibility, and improve endurance in the hip area, enhancing overall mobility.

Balance and Gait Training

We focus on improving your stability and walking patterns, which helps prevent future falls and injuries.

Education and Lifestyle Adjustments

We guide changes to daily activities and workplace ergonomics to lessen the strain on your hips and support ongoing health.

At Anatomix Physical Therapy, your treatment is personalized, combining various therapeutic approaches to ensure you receive the most effective care for your hip pain.

Call us today to book a consultation and take control of your health with our expert care!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!